Sweat the Small Stuff
Posted by Prospera Financial on January 21, 2025
…and it is pretty much all small stuff. The key to relationship management is really in the details. How well do you know your clients? Are you listening for your own opportunity or to glean what is important to your clients? The big picture matters, but I would argue that it is the collection of smaller interactions that add up to create the overall sentiment your clients feel towards you…in other words, their loyalty.
Smaller, consistent interactions with genuine attentiveness and thoughtful follow-ups build trust and, in turn, loyalty over time. Every detail counts, creating the foundation of meaningful client relationships.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou
The truth is people do remember how you make them feel – and that is what matters most. A thoughtful note recognizing an achievement, remembering a client’s coffee order, or their child’s favorite sports team – all small gestures that add up. They tell a story, and the story they tell is that you don’t just know them, you like them, and you share in some of the same life celebrations: a promotion at work, a latte with whip, the Dallas Cowboys (well, some years right?). These become shared experiences that strengthen your relationship.
Moreover, small actions often reveal significant insights. Asking thoughtful questions can help you uncover hidden needs or challenges your client may not have articulated. It is in these often-overlooked moments that you can discover opportunities to deliver even more value and truly cement your relationship.
Managing relationships is not about extravagant gestures. It is about interacting in meaningful ways. It is being present, engaged, and invested – all of which adds up to the full and big picture. Remember, it is the small stuff that makes the big stuff possible.
So yes, sweat the small stuff – and it is almost all small stuff.
Cheers to the small stuff,
Kim Coburn Utz
Director of Advisor Services